eBooks & CD's by Sara Jane


Crystals with a Twist

Sara Jane



Crystals & Their Dragon's Wisdom

Sara Jane
Dragon Wisdom

An Introduction to The Chakras

Sara Jane

An Introduction to Herbal Remedies

Sara Jane

An Introduction to Native American Remedies

Sara Jane

An Introduction to Homoeopathy

Sara Jane

An Introduction to Crystal Elixirs

Sara Jane

An Introduction to The Angelic Realm

Sara Jane

Messages from the Magical Realm

Sara Jane

Messages for Releasing & Letting Go from Our Magical Friends

Sara Jane

Messages for My Life's Journey from Our Magical Friends

Sara Jane

Our Magical Friends Bring you a Monthly Message

Sara Jane

CD’s by Sara Jane

All the CD’s are recorded by Sara Jane & are available from her – to order please email her at sarasoundspirit@gmail.com

Sound Baths for Your Body, Chakras, Aura & Emotions


  1. Introduction
  2. Sound Bath for your Physical Body
  3. Sound Bath for your Chakras
  4. Sound Bath for your Outer Aura
  5. Sound Bath for your Emotional Memories at a Cellular Level


Price: £35.00 GBP (Inc P&P UK)

Meditations for Your Mind, Body & Spirit



  1. Introduction
  2. The Elementals Meditation
  3. Mother Earth, Father Sky – Balancing the Yin & Yang
  4. A Meditation to the Crystal Realm
  5. A Meditation to Your Healing Place


Price: £9.50 GBP (Inc P&P UK)

Meditations for Healing & Growth


  1. Introduction
  2. A Meditation for Releasing & Letting Go
  3. The Flame of Love Meditation
  4. The Tree of Life ~ Balancing the Yin & Yang
  5. Breathing Chakra Meditation


Price: £9.50 GBP (inc P&P UK)

Meditations to Meet some of Your Guides & Guardians


  1. Introduction
  2. Meet One of Your Guardian Angels
  3. Meet Your Guardian Dragon
  4. Meet One of Your Animals Guides
  5. Meet Your Guardian Wolf


Price: £9.50 GBP (inc P&P UK)