Bravery & Compassion Share the Same Energy

By Sara Jane

What was your first thought on reading the title of this article?

What is that Energy?

For me it is simple, it is the Energy of Love. The Universal Healing Energy, the powerhouse that underpins nearly everything we do and is who we are.

Compassion has its roots in Love.

Whether we are showing compassion for animals, nature, other people or ourselves – don’t forget yourself, its root is in the love that resides in all of us.

Being compassionate is connecting to the core of who we are.

Compassion also has a “tough” side, when we love and care for others sometimes we have to say No and that is an aspect of Bravery.

Sometimes we have to be brave enough to do the hard stuff, for ourselves and others.

We all have to make our own mistakes, to live our own lives.

Be brave enough to take the first step, to have the experiences and compassionate enough to allow our loved ones to do the same and be there for them when things don’t go so well.

Several years ago, a friend of mine was in an abusive relationship, we talked and she knew she needed to end it but allowed him back.

It happened again and she felt able to come back to me and said “I know you aren’t going to say I told you so”.

Gratefully she ended it, she learnt compassion for herself and had the bravery to do what was necessary, both born of love.

There are many times a day we are brave and compassionate, they may only be in little things and they may be so natural to us that we don’t even consider them but they are there.

Be proud of yourself for the brave and compassionate person that you are.

Love, Peace & Light

Copyright © Sara Jane 2019