What is Your Comfort Zone?
By Sara Jane
When you saw the title of this article, what was the first thought that came to mind?
What do you consider your comfort zone to be?
(A little background – I am writing this on Tuesday 12th September 2017.
Tomorrow, Wednesday 13th I am recording a short Thoughtful Nuggets & Pearls inspirational program with Jaki Bent, my Sister, creator of The Emotional Baggage Diet and founder of If Everyone Cares.org and aDoddle.org. Our topic is 360 Degrees: How Big is your Comfort Zone?)
Every now and again I see little one liners that I like, so I write them down, I have 2 on a piece of paper at the side of me at the moment “I didn’t change, I just woke up” (Unknown) & “Journey into yourself” (The Journey into yourself by Eckhart Tolle & To Travel is to Journey into Yourself – Danny Kaye).
Yesterday I looked at these and wondered if they may be relevant to the Comfort Zone topic and slowly thoughts/feelings started, nothing I could pin down but I knew there was something there.
Then this morning it came to me whilst I was out for my morning walk.
Our Comfort Zone is a place outside of us, if we truly wish to step out of our comfort zone, we need to step back into ourselves.
Back into our heart, listen to our intuition and gut instincts, become again the person we were born to be, the person we were before we let outside influences change us.
Then came the biggy for me, our comfort zone is built from fear. Fear keeps us in a place where we can hopefully not get hurt, not make mistakes, not trip up, not make a fool of ourselves – how many more reasons can you think of for staying in your comfort zone and how many of them are negative reasons?
To me the role of our mind when we were young was to keep us safe, protect us (a role it takes very seriously) and to learn, to help us to grow.
Why have I put them in that order, because I believe our minds are still trying to protect us to the detriment of growth, to living our lives and following our paths. It is still treating us like the tiny baby and very young child that we left behind long ago.
To help us move out of our comfort zone and back into living life, the role of our mind has to change.
It is important that we thank it for taking such good care of us as a child and we ask it to please accept a new role, a more fun role, a role of empowerment, learning and growth. A role that still protects and helps us to live life to the fullest at the same time.
It is time to free ourselves by journeying back into ourselves, becoming true to ourselves.
It is time to learn the difference between the “fear” of being burned by a fame, stepping off a great height, jumping into raging waters and the “fear” of thought that has no true foundation.
By all means listen to those fears, be aware of them and as the saying goes “Feel the fear and do it anyway” (a book by Susan Jeffers).
I lived many years in a comfort zone that was far from comfortable, in the end it became so uncomfortable I had to get out.
Now I think back on it, when I did take that leap life changed for me in so many amazing ways and it was because I went looking for me and found me in all the rubble I had dumped on me over the years.
I pulled myself out and started to live my life and you can do the same and the amazing thing is, it was easier than fear had lead me to believe.
If you would like to watch/listen to the program Jaki and I shared you will find it HERE
Copyright © Sara Jane 2017