Gifts of Wisdom: Free Meditation to Meet Your Younger Self
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Enjoy meeting your younger self in this free meditation by Sara Jane
Sara has a number of eBooks available on Amazon, different subjects and shares you will find them all HERE
Sara’s Bio
Who is Sara Jane? She is the sum of all her experiences, including the story shared in Gifts of Wisdom.
At 12 years old, she worked in her parents’ small hotel and added 2 paper rounds a day when she was 13.
At 16 she started working mornings in the local newsagents during the summer holidays and then started Saturday’s for WHSmith until she left school and joined them full-time.
Just before her 21st birthday, she joined a greeting card company as a stock control merchandiser, with an area in the south-west of England.
At 22 she teamed up with her first husband to manage public houses and at 27 went back to retail and became an area manager for a lighting company.
When that company folded, she stepped into the role of consumer services manager for 2 toy manufactures (consecutively).
Again, redundancy lent a hand to another major shift into insurance for 3 different companies and a spell working with children with learning disabilities and behavioural problems.
In 2005 she took the leap to go self employed as a Complementary Health Therapist mainly working with energy techniques including Reiki and sound in the form of toning, a practice that has grown into Vocal Reiki.
Sara has discovered the most powerful gift of Vocal Reiki is that she can support people to connect with and heal their inner child.
Sara is the founder of Gift of Healing TV and creator of Vocal Reiki. She is a teacher, holding workshops & courses in person and on-line, an international speaker and author, shares messages in Light Language and is a channel for dragons as well as many other mythical beings.