Kudos to You

By Sara Jane

I am sure many of us have heard or even used the word Kudos, I know I have but I thought I would check out its actual meaning.

Meaning – Kudos: Acclaim or prestige as a result of achievement or position: The prize gave him little material benefit but much kudos. From the Greek kudos: glory, fame ~ The Reader’s Digest Great Illustrated Dictionary

How much acknowledgement do you give yourself for your achievements?

When was the last time you took a look at your life and realised just how well you are doing?

There is a saying along the lines of “You have survived 100% of the challenges life has bought you”

Kudos to you for this.

What challenges has your life bought you?

Let’s start with the day you were born, yes being born was a challenge and you survived it.

You learnt to sit up, crawl, walk, run, talk. Then to read and write.

Kudos to you.

Your first day at school, making friends, sports, study, exams and so much more in your younger years.

I am sure like me you have had so many firsts in your life and continue to have.

Kudos to You

Life is a journey, a crazy roller coaster ride of ups and downs with the occasional short pause in which to get our breath before we are off again.

How often do you praise yourself, congratulate yourself for what you have achieved in a day?

It is for you to be proud of yourself, it doesn’t matter what others think, that’s their stuff, it is about how you feel about you.

No one else is walking in your shoes.

No one else has had your experiences and been affected by them, the way you have.

Be proud of yourself.

Kudos to you.

You can listen to Sara read this article in the video below

Copyright © Sara Jane 2020