Love Is The Greatest Healer
By Sara Jane
Love is the greatest healer and let that love start with you.
Whatever is going on in the world around you, tap into the love that is your true being.
Love can support you through anything.
Love, can heal the hurt others, knowingly or unknowingly inflict on you.
When you love yourself and know your own worth, no one can take that away from you.
Love is a selfless act of caring, of being true to you.
When you truly love yourself, you will bring more love, caring, understanding, empathy to others.
Hold love in your heart and offer it to everyone, no exceptions.
Everyone needs to feel loved, whatever their age, their circumstances, their actions.
Those that require love most are those that don’t love themselves, they have never been taught that it is OK to be the love of your own life, and so they hurt others because that is how they feel.
When you are completely comfortable with yourself, you have no need to prove anything to anyone, no need to strike out, bully, belittle anyone else, to make yourself appear “big”.
When you love yourself, your beauty shines from within and any insecurities you may have will melt away.
Love can heal the greatest of traumas and bring peace into your life.
Get to know yourself and if there is anything you don’t like, acknowledge it and grow from it into a better you, a more loving you.
You can choose in any given moment who you are and how you wish to behave.
Trust your gut, your feelings, your intuition, the love in your heart, they will not let you down.
Let yourself be the Love of your own life
Namaste Sweet Soul
Copyright © Sara Jane 2022