Ministry of Surprises
By Sara Jane
What do you consider to be a surprise?
Something that someone does for you, something in nature, a chance happenstance or all of these?
When was the last time you were surprised?
Well for me it was last week and nature was the bringer, or was she?
I became aware of an unusual plant in our front garden, I hadn’t planted it and neither had my partner, neither of us knew what it was.
Then earlier this week the full extent of the surprise was made clear to me. As I was posting to the Dragon Wisdom Twitter page, I saw a picture of the plant, a Dragon Flower, also known as Dragon Arum, Dragon Lily or Snake Lily: Dracunculus Vulgaris, this was the plant in our front garden.
Bearing in mind my connection with the Dragons, I love this gift from the Ministry of Surprises.
The more we are open to them, the more of them we become aware of.
When we moved into this house nearly 15 years ago, we did have a hedgehog in the garden, but haven’t seen any for years, then last Autumn, we saw another that hibernated in some straw we put out and in the Spring, we became aware of a pair. Such a lovely surprise.
Our garden is deliberately set up to be wildlife friendly, with bird feeders, plants, bundles of sticks (the Bees seem to love these to sleep in at night), 2 small ponds that the frogs and newts love plus the rest of the wildlife that drinks from them.
I wouldn’t have said much could surprise us in the garden any more but the ministry obviously has other ideas and we love it.
Do you sometimes surprise yourself?
I know I do, especially in my work, sometimes I find myself sharing something and wondering where it came from.
The biggest surprise for me over recent years was realising I speak what I call our Soul Language, what others call Light Language.
A couple of weeks ago my Mum, sisters and myself had a family video call and I mentioned it. My youngest sister already knew but Mum and middle sister were a little confused, so I was asked to share a little.
Mum’s reaction was lovely, she hadn’t known what to expect but she was surprised, it sounded like a language and I was so fluent in it, also her gentleman friend who was listening, commented that a member of his family also speaks it.
My middle sister has since asked me to share some more with her, feeling the energy without knowing what was said.
For me the Ministry of Surprises is aligned to our Soul and brings us surprises or gifts to help us feel supported, to guide us, to bring us joy, to move us forward, to let us know we are doing OK.
You can listen to Sara read this article in the video below which also includes a short Soul Language Message
Copyright © Sara Jane 2020