What does Art mean to You?
By Sara Jane
What do you think of when you hear the word Art?
Do you think about pictures and painting, oils and watercolours?
Do you think of the great artists including Constable & Picasso with their very different styles?
Or is music bought to mind, the classical composers such as Mozart and Benjamin Britten or modern-day composers such as Paul McCartney?
Do you think of photographers, sculptures, choreographers, architects, landscape gardeners, actors, singers, authors, designers? The list goes on.

Finally, do you think about yourself?
Had it occurred to you that you are the artist of your own life?
You were born with a blank canvas and every action, every experience you have adds colour and substance to your canvas.
Or you could choose the analogy of your life being like a book and every new day starts with a blank page. What story are you weaving into your life story today?
This morning as I was thinking about writing this article, I came across this quote by Sophie Bush
“You are allowed to be both a Masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously”.
Had it occurred to you that you are a Masterpiece, that you were born perfect, that you were given everything that you require for the life you have chosen.
A little like a jigsaw puzzle, you have all the pieces and each day another piece fits into place.
When was the last time you looked at yourself and explored who you are, discovering something new about yourself?
A couple of years ago I discovered I could speak what I believe is our Soul Language, many call it Light Language.
Why was I so surprised, after all I channel many friends in the Mythical Realm including the Dragons, I also channel Reiki and Sound Energy in the form of Toning, so why not be a channel for our Soul Language as well?
Recently I connected with a gentleman in Holland, Jos of Yosiji Music, he took one of my spoken Soul Wisdom Messages and a sung one and used the magic of his art, creating music behind them.
I was amazed at what he did but more amazed at how he made me sound. I have never considered myself a singer but to my ears the sung message sounds wonderful.
The art of his work and mine…
You can watch/listen to it here
You are the Artist of your life, explore your gifts, have fun with them, experience them, share them, love them.
Don’t judge them or let others, they are uniquely yours.
Just as some love classical music and others love Punk Rock, some love traditional art and others prefer contemporary art, we are all different in who we are, in our likes and dislikes.
That is what makes this world such a beautiful work of Art.
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up” ~ Pablo Picasso
You can listen to Sara read the article in the video below
Copyright © Sara Jane 2020
Copyright Picture © Sara Jane 2008