What is a Hunch?
By Sara Jane
Think about it for a minute, which feeling do you call “a hunch”?
When I started to think about this I came to the conclusion that to me it is just another word for intuition or gut instinct.
You get “a hunch” that something feels “right” or “wrong”; so it is a “feeling”.
Do you listen to those “feelings”?
If you are anything like me you have had many occasions when you haven’t and later regretted it.
We get these “feelings” and then our head, mind, ego, whatever you wish to call it, chimes in “don’t be silly it’s just your imagination”, “ignore it, you want to do it, so do it” or “you can’t do that, what if this happens or that happens”.
Are you smiling? Can you hear these voices in your head?
Our minds/egos are very good at distorting our “feelings”, belittling them and we can be easily persuaded not to listen to the gentle voice of our soul.
Can you remember a time when you have acted on a hunch? When that niggling inner voice either didn’t get a chance to pipe up or you ignored it?
Think about it; look back on what happened and the outcome.
It may have been something very simple, it may have been something quite momentous; whatever it was, I’m guessing it was a positive outcome.
Open to your hunches, your intuition, they will not lead you astray and could be the start of many synchronistic happenings.
Many of the most amazing things that can happen in your life can be from you acting on a hunch or a whim.
Let variety and excitement into your life.
Listening has lead me on many an adventure, including going to Romania to work with the Carpathian Large Carnivore Project for 2 weeks in 2000.
I organised sponsored walks for adults with learning difficulties, including one with Wolves and arranging “Spirit of Freedom” a project which took people with learning difficulties to America to spend time with the Nez Perce Indians and to visit Yellowstone National Park.
Also learning Reiki and other complementary therapies and starting my own on-line TV program Gift of Healing TV.
Life has many gifts for us and sometimes they are “delivered” in hunches and intuition.
Let’s learn to throw caution to the wind and unwrap these gifts and listening to the hunches of warning.
Yes I have also had those and one such ended up with me going to the police about fraud; if I had listened to my initial instincts it would never have got that far.
Hunches are good and positive things, they are always worth listening to and following.
Copyright © Sara Jane