The Importance of Your Inner Child
By Sara Jane
Below I have transcribed a share I made on Gift of Healing TV’s Thoughtful Nuggets & Pearls on 9th August.
This is a subject very close to my heart and I wish you all a greater connection with your younger self.
A very important, I suppose emotive subject as far as I’m concerned because I very much believe in the fact that we all have our younger selves within us.
The Younger self doesn’t have to be a child, it’s you of this morning, it’s you of yesterday, last week, last year, it’s your younger self, so we refer to “Inner Child”.
But I will actually go to the child aspect; your inner child is really important, as far as I’m concerned.
I really believe that when something has happened that has hurt you, emotionally or physically, you’ve been told off.
Something you hadn’t known how to deal with and feel you haven’t… it’s not all right to be you, you are being told it is not Okay to be you.
So, you have done something that may have been laughed at in the past and now the adults have got fed up and they’re not laughing anymore and they’re telling you off and they’re telling you not to do it.
They’re telling you… you’ve had a mixed message and children really don’t understand, they don’t know how to cope with that.
The way I see it is because they don’t know how to cope with it, what they do is detach that aspect of themselves, at that point in time, at that age and it’s not OK to be that part of me, so I’ll get rid of that part of me.
So that part of them/that part of you no longer sits within you, it feels totally separate to you and it is really important to help bring those aspects of you back into you, to complete you.
You are not complete without all aspects of you.
You were born perfect, nothing wrong with you at all; you were born totally perfect, as you were you were perfect.
All your little differences, idiosyncrasies, everything about you was totally perfect and you grew as you learned.
You were totally perfect.
The imperfection – and I don’t like that word to be perfectly honest – but the imperfection starts when you stop being complete, when you stop being whole.
It is really important to connect with every aspect and as you re-connect with an aspect of yourself, a younger part of yourself, what I suggest to people is, once they have re-connected with a child aspect of themselves, go and have some play time.
If you live near the sea go and paddle in it, paddle in a stream, if it’s raining go and jump in a puddle, if it’s fall, the autumn, go and kick up some leaves, go and do something that is childlike, that is fun.
But actually do it anyway, because it is so important to connect with our inner child, to allow that playful aspect of our self out, that innocent aspect of our self out. Because we are the whole of who we are, not just the adult.
The adult can have more fun, be more relaxed, cope better with life when they allow the innocence and the fun and the playfulness of their inner child to come out at times…
Let your children, your inner aspects, the childhood aspects of you out to play and feel their innocence, their enthusiasm for life, their wonder.
It’s time to re-connect with those aspects of yourself that will bring you so much joy, so much happiness, so much relaxation, so much fun and really help you to live your life, because children know how to live, it’s the adult aspect of ourselves that forgets at times.
If you would like to watch/listen to the recording, you can HERE
Copyright © Sara Jane 2017

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