Vocal Reiki Level I
Vocal Reiki Combines with Reiki and this course includes Reiki I training, attunement and certificate.
Vocal Reiki uses the energy of Toning, the voice but not singing combined with Reiki.
Sound Energy is very powerful because we are all a vibration and Sound is a vibration. Our aches & pains, illnesses & aliments, stresses & strains are our vibration out of sync. The energy/vibration of the right sound can bring your vibration back into sync thus easing those aches & pains etc.
Day 1
- Introductions~ everyone introduces them self
- Short thought provoking exercise
- Dr Usui and the history of Reiki
- Learn a little about the Chakras and Protection
- Sound Chakra Exercise ~ to balance and align your Chakras
- Vocal Reiki &Reiki Training
- Benefits of learning Vocal Reiki & Reiki
- Breathing Techniques for Toning
- Working with/practising Sound/Toning
- Vocal Reiki & Reiki treatments, preparation, contra-indications, consultations, records and aftercare
- How to open the channel
- Hand Positions for
- Seated Reiki
- Self Reiki
- Treatment
- Vocal Reiki & Reiki Attunements
Day 2
- Feedback from yesterday
- Meditation
- Questions and Answers
- Breathing Chakra Exercise
- Toning & Hand position practise
- Sound Bath – everyone receives from & gives the rest of the group a Sound Bath
- Vocal Reiki & Reiki Attunements
- Vocal Reiki & Reiki Sessions ~ you give and receive a 30 minute Vocal Reiki & Reiki Session
- Certificates & Manuals
Sara is happy to offer Level l via the internet; Level ll and above are in person courses
Sara works as she has been taught by her own Reiki Master. If you wish to do further levels it is a minimum 6 months between Level I & II – Level II being a basic Practitioner level and a minimum 1 year from Level II to train for Master Practitioner. Teacher follows after at least another year.
The more you use the Vocal Reiki and Reiki the greater your own growth and experiences, empowering you to be able to help and support others.
Vocal Reiki Level l – 2 Days ~ £247
Vocal Reiki Level ll – 2 Days ~ £447
Vocal Reiki Practitioner Level – 2 Days ~ £747
Please contact Sara if you are interested in learning Vocal Reiki, she will happily talk to you and answer any question plus what you can expect on a personal level as well as progressing to become a practitioner and support others.
E-mail: sarasoundspirit@gmail.com or call her on 01202 514569 ~ +44 (0)1202 514569
(Please remember Sara lives in the UK and is in GMT/BST Time Zone ~ Thank You)
If you live outside the Bournemouth area and cannot get to Sara’s Courses but can get a group of friends together and have a suitable room or venue that we can use, she would be happy to discuss coming to you.