​Fun in the Cold

By Sara Jane

I am sure most of us are aware of the saying “Fun in the Sun”.

Just because the weather is getting colder here in the Northern hemisphere doesn’t mean the fun has to stop.

This article isn’t about the words that are written, it’s more about the memories it awakens and encouraging you and your family to make more.

Cast your mind back and connect with your inner child, think of all the fun things you used to get up to.

Kicking and crunching through the fallen leaves, jumping in muddy puddles, snowball fights, making snowmen and snow angels.

What else do you remember doing, fun and laughter with siblings and/or friends?

Bonfire night, all gathered around a fire, fireworks going off then back to someone’s home for hot chocolate, hot potatoes, grilled sausages and more.

Gathered around a fire, toasting crumpets, mallows and toast, dripping butter everywhere.

Cold, crisp mornings, watching your breath as you walk to school or work.

Clear, cold starry winter nights, wrapped in hats, mittens and scarves.

Sat in front of a roaring log fire, playing games, or curled up in bed under a lovely warm duvet.

Pleasure can be found in so many things when we open our minds and let memories flood in.

Chill winds blow

Stormy skies

Shorter days

Longer nights

As Winter takes its hold


Trees adorned in golds, rusts and reds

Teaching us the glory of letting go

As their leaves fall to the ground

Winter slumber


Birds fly South

Squirrels gathering nuts

Hedgehogs, Bees and more hibernate

A time of rest and re-charging


Frost covering the rooves and ground in white

Steaming as it melts in the morning sun

Ice forms on birdbaths

Hungry birds squabble to feed on the feeders


Snow falls blanketing the world in white

Children laugh and play

Tin trays are used as toboggans

Snowball fights and making snowmen


Cold hands and feet

Warmed by an open fire

Rosy cheeks from cold fresh air

Childhood memories


When was the last time you made memories?

When was the last time you shared your childhood memories with your family?

This is the perfect time of year with the colder shorter evenings to sit with your family and share, plus make more.


You can listen to Sara read the article in the video below

Copyright © Sara Jane 2019