A Better Birth Experience

By Sara Jane

The Master of Voice & Vocal Reiki

Sara Jane works with Sound Energy in the form of Vocal Reiki and specialises in supporting people to connect with and help heal their Inner Child. One of the ways she does this is by Toning their name.

Having a short lie-in one Sunday Morning, Sara allowed her mind to wander, just letting the thoughts flow, noticing them but not trying to control them.

In the “daydream” a lady was giving birth in the back of an ambulance; Sara was there with two others she had taught to use Toning.

The two students Toned the Mother’s name – the Mother knew the gender of the child and its name – and Sara was Toning the Baby’s name welcoming it into the world.

As soon as the baby was born it was wrapped in a blanket and laid on the Mother’s chest for her to cradle and cuddle.

The baby had gone from being close to the Mother’s heart inside her to being close to her heart as it rested on her chest.

They were taken to the hospital and were allowed to stay together for about an hour resting and recovering from the experience of the birth.

The Mother was then involved in giving the baby its first bath, cleaning off the after birth and then feed it before it was briefly taken away to be weighed, then immediately returned to Mum.

The sense Sara got from this “incident” was that hearing her name being Toned relaxed the Mother making the birth easier for her.

The baby was also more relaxed, less stressed at the process it was experiencing; it sensed the love, making the birth less traumatic.

By being given straight to the Mother and being held close to her heart, it felt familiar and safe; the bond between Mother and child was strengthened by the immediate contact and the fact that they were able to rest together.

The Mother being involved in bathing and feeding the child before it was “taken away” to be weighed, caused a lot less stress and possible separation issues for them both.

The transition from womb into the world was about the Mother and Child and not about “protocols” and “procedures”.

When Sara works with an individual’s name the energy surrounding the name is pure love and an acknowledgement of who that person truly is.

Love, Peace & Light Sweet Souls

Sara Jane

P.S. If you have never experienced Toning and don’t know how Sound Energy works Sara has a short video on YouTube you can watch – HERE

Copyright © Sara Jane