Life: A Risky Business

By Sara Jane

Risk: the possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger

What risks are you taking on a daily basis?

Or do you prefer to live your life without taking any?

Well here is some food for thought for you to consider “Doing nothing can be more risky than going something”.

Being afraid to go out “just in case …..” holds its own risks.

  • First it can affect your health – no fresh air and sunshine is bad for you; this also usually means a lack of exercise. They are all essential for good health.
  • If you only do the minimum such as go to work and come home again to minimise risk – Do you drive a car? You are getting into a lethal weapon. If you catch a bus, you are a passenger in an even bigger lethal weapon. If you walk are you really any safer?

So bearing in mind that every day you take risks, why not make them risks worth taking?

Step out of your comfort zone, start to live your life and you will discover that “risking” nothing was a bigger risk than taking the plunge.

Life is for living, for experiencing; free yourself from fear.

Fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real

Risk is: Rejoicing In Scary Kicks

Yes you should get a kick out of life; fun and laughter, embracing change.

Ignore the worry mongers, the “what ifs”, the “what about” and all the other excuses you find not to do something.

Listen to your heart, listen to your feelings, listen to your intuition, listen to your gut instincts.

Quiet your mind, feel the fear and do it anyway.

In April I was treated to the experience of the Zip Wire in Bournemouth where I live.

Right up to the point of stepping off the platform I was fine, even relaxed and confident.

Suddenly all my nerves jangled, what was I doing; I had to step off the platform and rely on the ropes to hold me.

Yes I felt the fear, but I had been looking forward to doing it; I wasn’t really afraid, for goodness sake I had abseiled off the Water Tower in Poole.

So I took a deep breath and stepped off, it was great and I am so pleased I did it.

Think about your life, think about the mad and crazy things you have done.

Remember the feelings, the exhilaration, the laughter, the joy, the fun.

With every risk you take, with every new experience you grow and you become more of the person you are meant to be.

If you are encouraged to do something that feels wrong to you, have the courage to risk saying NO.

Yes “risk” comes in many forms but better to risk a faulty misjudgement of you, than to risk the feelings and consequences of doing what you know to be “wrong”.

Always Be True to YOU

Yes this is me on the Zip Wire

Copyright © Sara Jane