Quintessentially You: Find your Sparkle & Bounce

By Sara Jane

I thought I knew the meaning of quintessential but decided to look it up to be sure.

Quintessential meaning

  • Being most typical: expressing the essence of the thing or person specified.
  • Having the nature of a quintessence; the pure, highly concentrated essence of something

as per The Reader’s Digest Great Illustrated Dictionary, published & copyrighted 1984

How true are you to yourself, to your choices, to your beliefs?

Do you know who you are?

Do you know what you believe?

Do you feel free to make your own choices?

Give yourself permission to explore what you have been taught, the rules and regulations.

Does it all resonate with you, does everything you have been taught feel right for you?

I know from my own experience that not everything I was taught feels right for me.

The main part of that being religion, I was raised a Catholic but when I read that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, I felt the truth of that in the depths of my being.

When I read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, there were many times that the answer I read was what I felt in the core of my being.

As we let go of what doesn’t serve us any more, when we allow ourselves to make up our own minds of what we feel is the “truth” to us; we free ourselves to shine in our full glory, it can put a real bounce in your step; you are no longer weighed down by heavy feelings that don’t resonate with you.

When we open to our own truth’s our lives become more fulfilled and we find that we become less judgemental and more relaxed.

Become quintessentially you, the true you, not the person that people and circumstances have formed you to be; break free of those boundaries and restrictions, free yourself to have your own thoughts, feel the truth speak to you from within.

Let yourself step into the sunlight and the beautiful crystal that you are sparkle, reflecting all the colours of the rainbow, empowering and re-energising your Chakras, strengthening your being.

Life is for living, for fun and laughter, it’s time to put the bounce back into your life, bring your childlike energies back into your life.

Think about the little you, children seem to bounce along, in the way they walk and run, and how they move from one experience to the next.

They sparkle and shine, enthralled by so much that they see, allow this true essence of yourself back into your life, reacquaint yourself with the wonders of being a child, for he/she still resides in you and is just waiting for you to invite them into your life.

“You have a responsibility to show up in life expressing your values, not someone else’s values.” ~ Bruce Van Horn

You can listen to Sara read this article in the video above

Copyright © Sara Jane 2019