Feelings: Are they a Mystery to you?

Feelings: Are they a Mystery to you? By Sara Jane Which comes first, the feeling or the thought? Do feelings bring about the thoughts or do thoughts create the feelings? We are beautiful Soul Spirits that are here to experience a myriad of sensations from joy to fear, ecstasy to anger, curiosity to sadness and […]

The Connection Between Trauma, Grief & Anger

The Connection Between Trauma, Grief & Anger By Sara Jane Since writing my chapter for a new book, “Gifts of Wisdom”, being published on 8th October 2024, I have come to understand more about my own experiences and the feelings that they created within me. I never thought of myself as an angry person, I […]

Revenge versus Forgiveness

Revenge versus Forgiveness By Sara Jane “If you want revenge because your feelings are hurt, all you can see is your own suffering. But if you calm yourself and look more deeply, you will see that the person who hurt you is suffering too.” ~ Haemin Sunim from “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow […]

The Sweet Success of Rage

The Sweet Success of Rage By Sara Jane The definition of Rage according to “The Readers Digest Illustrated Dictionary” “1.a. Extreme, vehement anger; fury b. a fit of anger – 2. Furious intensity, as of a storm or disease – 3. Burning desire or passion – 4. Informal A fade, a craze, very fashionable” The […]