Why the Onion?

By Sara Jane

If you are interested in complementary or alternative therapies and/or self help courses & workshops you have probably heard the healing process referred to as peeling another layer off the onion.

If you are not sure what is meant by healing process here is a brief explanation.

Throughout our lives we have many things happen to us, both good and not so good.

Especially when we are young the not so good because we don’t know how to deal with it usually ends up by being “put on one side”, “buried” and then “forgotten”.

Unfortunately just because we forget about them, it doesn’t mean that the hurt and pain they caused has gone; it is buried and festering.

As you start to work on yourself, usually with the support of a therapist, practitioner or course provider, the situations and hurt & pain they caused come back to the surface. Hopefully by whatever means you are using, you will be able to acknowledge what happened, deal with it and let it go.

That is the removing of a layer of the onion.

When you look at an onion you can see that it is made up of many layers, which makes it an excellent example of how the healing process works, one step, one layer at a time.

In July (2013) whilst I had a stand at the Healing Weekend held at Secret World, near Bridgwater, Somerset I was working with a client and suddenly another reason why the onion is so appropriate came to me.

Part of the healing process for many people is tears, crying and this is always seen as being very positive.

What do onions do when you are peeling them? Yes they make you cry.

Crying is a wonderful releasing mechanism and supports you in the letting go process.

So that is why the Onion

Love, Peace & Light

Sara Jane

Copyright © Sara Jane