A Scintilla of Hope
By Sara Jane
Meaning ~ Scintilla – A Minute amount, a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling. E.g. “a scintilla of doubt”
I have to admit to having to look up the meaning of this word, I have certainly heard of scintillation and scintillating but never scintilla.
I am someone who has been on a “Bad News” diet for years, I don’t watch or listen to the news – unless I’m in a car and it comes on while I am listening to the radio – and I don’t read newspapers.
But I always seem to know what is happening, especially with all the fires last year in the USA & Brazil and now in Australia, the Eruption in New Zealand and now the Earthquakes in Puerto Rico.
Droughts and floods, soring temperatures and ice caps melting. Animals on the verge of extinction. Our Oceans poisoned with plastic, oil spills and other pollutants.
That is just the tip of the iceberg but there is still a scintilla of hope, a tiny glimmer.
A little flame that won’t die, that keeps many of us holding on and doing our bit to help preserve and protect animals and wildlife habitat.
Yes, I am one of them and for the past few years a friend has adopted an animal for me through WWF as a Christmas present, I have quite a collection and will keep adding to it. I hope you like the picture of them I have shared.

I love our beautiful Planet, Gaia, Mother Earth, Pachamama and I hold hope in my heart, in my mind, my thoughts that we are in a time of great change.
She is alive, she breathes, she needs to move and stretch from time to time.
She loves us and feeds us.
All we have to do is look around, see the stories of the people who are helping save the Koalas, Kangaroos and more from the fires.
The rescues of baby Elephants stuck in holes, animals caught in traps or in raging waters. The beautiful souls who give water to thirsty animals.
The Countries that are planting millions of trees, banning the use of animals in circuses, working to clean water, soil and air.
All those amazing inventors who are making shoes from used coffee beans, leather from pineapple and other leaves, finding uses for plastics, including road surfaces.
Hold on to that scintilla of Hope for us all and for our beautiful Mother Earth, we can all come through this together.
You can listen to Sara read this article in the video above
Copyright © Sara Jane 2020