It is Always Your Choice
By Sara Jane
Every breath you take, every step you take, every move you make – it is your choice.
Every Yes you say, every No you say – it is your choice.
Now I get it, sometimes it feels as if you have Hobson’s choice but you still have a choice.
Remember when you do nothing, you make a choice by default.
How do you choose?
What are the criteria that helps you make your decision?
Do you listen to others, do you listen to your thoughts, do you listen to your Heart?
Does what others want or what you think they want guide your choice?
Or do you allow yourself to “feel” your way to your decision?
Do you listen to your Heart, your intuition, your gut instinct?
How many times have you “felt” your answer and ignored it because of what you thought other people would think or say?
Questions, questions, questions.
The only person who knows how you feel and what you would like, is you. All those around you are not mind readers.
And truth be told unless the people in your life talk to you honestly and openly about what their choices are, neither are you.
None of us know what is going on in another’s mind – even if you think they are sharing with you, there is something that may get left out.
So what choices are you making today? And why have you made that particular choice?
What is your reasoning and how is it making you feel?
Your choices for your life experiences should make you happy, excited, fill you with anticipation and maybe a few nerves.
When was the last time you did something new?
When was the last time you surprise yourself and did something out of pure spontaneity?
Is it time to take that leap of faith, regardless of what anyone else may think?
Only you can answer these questions for you, after all it is your life and everything in it and about it is your choice.
Stop giving your power away, take it back.
The happiness, the fulfilment, the joy, the love & the laughter you are looking for are all within you.
“Stop pushing so hard on the door looking for happiness. It opens inwards” Unknown
“If you say you have no choice, it means that the choice is Already Made” ~ Fazil Iskander
“If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree” ~ Jim Rohn
Copyright © Sara Jane 2018