The Grass is Always Greener ~ Only when it is Watered

By Sara Jane

There is always so much going on in our lives, the everyday, the unexpected, the planned etc

Think about your life, which aspects are you giving your attention to?

Which bits are you putting most of your energy in to?

Are you concentrating on the things that fulfil you or that drain you?

Do you look at others and wish your life was more like theirs?

Do you look behind the screens and know how things really are for them?

Over 20 years ago, I knew my life wasn’t what I wanted, I felt like a slave in my own home, I felt ignored, undervalued, invisible.

The only person who could change that for me, was me – so I did, I bought my marriage to an end and moved out.

I know that makes it sound very simple and in some respects it was but it didn’t just happen, I had to make it happen, I had to take control of my own life and stop handing that control to others.

Granted there were no children involved, just 4 cats.

When I took control and got active in my own life, my life improved, this is what is meant by watering the grass.

It is up to us to be proactive in our own lives.

Do you have a garden with a lawn? If you don’t cut it, it gets out of hand.

The same with your life, if you don’t take control, things tend to get out of hand.

Is it a matter of finding the strength to do what is necessary, or just being so fed up with the situation, you’ve had enough and can’t take any more?

What is going through my mind at this point is, if we find the strength to do something and then do some thinking through, we then have a plan.

Yes, we could just go at things like a “Bull in a china shop” but a little thought, with a plan can make things a little easier.

Also, it is about remembering that there are usually others affected when we choose to make changes and we have no idea how they will react, the calmer we can stay the better.

I am not saying walk out of your marriage or leave you job, catch things before they go too far and you can find the grass in your own garden becomes so much greener, without moving to the other side.

“Remember No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

“You aren’t supposed to be happy all the time. Listen to your sadness and anger, they are trying to tell you something”

Just because someone threw you into Lake Inferior doesn’t mean you have to keep swimming in it. You’re better than that! ~ Bruce Van Horn


You can listen to Sara read this article in the video below.

Copyright © Sara Jane 2020