Falling is a New Beginning

By Sara Jane

I took the picture above at Arne near Wareham in Dorset, England, it is a fallen tree that far from dying, has continued to grow sending its branches up like new trees.

I love walking in nature, especially in woodlands and by streams. She offers us so many beautiful examples of perseverance, of hope, of resilience, of courage to live and grow.

Wind blows

Tree falls

Roots ripped from the earth

Now open to the air


Branches on the ground

Some broken and torn

Battered and bruised

It lies all forlorn


Is this the end

Does life stop here?

A glimmer of hope

Some roots still intact


A new shoot

Then another

The truck forms a base

New branches become trees


From one fallen tree

Several more grow

Life continues

As nature intended


When life appears to trip you up, what is your first thought?

Do you go into poor me or do you look for the gift?

Do you look for the opportunities that you couldn’t have seen before you tripped up?

Do you open your heart and your mind to new possibilities?

Nature shows us so many examples of not giving up, if we but open our eyes to see.

Suggestion, take a walk in nature and take a good look around you, stop, listen, hear and watch, SEE. She is teaching us, if we are willing to learn from Her.

Namaste Sweet Souls

Copyright J Sara Jane 2024