Obstacle or Obs”tickle”
Is it something to Tackle or Tickle?
By Sara Jane
I have to own up to not being the best at spelling (or typing come to that), so when recently I had to type the word obstacle, I spelt it with an “i” instead of “a”.
Gratefully spell check came to my aid but it got me thinking.
When we face a challenge do we “tackle” it or do we find some humour in it and “tickle” it, giving ourselves a reason to laugh and not take things quite so seriously?
How we react and deal with the challenges and obstacles that appear throughout our lives can affect the outcome.
Have you ever said “Oh no, not again, why does this keep happening to me?”
The truth is that the very first time “it” happened we reacted causing an outcome and that became a learned behaviour, so that every time something similar occurs we fall back on the default reaction, which always brings about the same outcome.
How do we break the cycle?
Suggestion, try and catch yourself before you react, stop, step back, pause and give yourself time to think, possibly even find some humour in the situation, tickling it rather than tackling it in the same old way.
Support yourself to step out of frustration and find a different way of responding or even not respond at all.
Think about what is happening, is it of your doing or is someone trying to press your buttons to get a reaction that drains your energy and boosts theirs.
I am trying to remember how the book the Celestine Prophecies by James Redfield put it when he talked about the different types of people, we fall into a number of categories (if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it).
There are the victims, the vampires (I’m sure he didn’t use that term), the people pleasers and 1 or 2 others.
Where do you fit in and more importantly if your challenges are “people”, which category do they fit in?
When we stop and yes, possibly analyse what is happening, we can respond in a more considered way, rather than jumping to conclusions that may be very far from the truth of what is going on.
So do we tackle, which can be an aggressive energy or do we tickle, bringing a lighter energy to a situation?
Food for thought.
Namaste Sweet Souls
Copyright J Sara Jane 2024