You are the World; The World is You

By Sara Jane

Let go of your ego mind and feel the meaning of those words.

I have just read the words “Look Within, You are the World ~ Jiddu Krishnamuri, literally as I am starting to write this because the truth of this hit me.

I am sure you have heard that the Universe responds to our thoughts, words and actions, creating our life and experiences.

Also, that changing our words, thoughts and actions will change our experiences.

For everyone, each and every one of us, the world around us, is the world we have created.

Has the light bulb gone on yet?

I am also sure that many of you have heard it said that all we have is NOW, that all of time is happening in this instant and that there are multiple realities.

Can we throw away all that we have been taught about ourselves and about reality, is that the myth?

Are we living multiple realities all at the same time? Every time we have a choice are we creating more realities with the choices we make, thus creating different worlds for ourselves.

Schrödinger’s Cat is a famous thought experiment that demonstrates the idea in quantum physics that tiny particles can be in two states at once until they’re observed.

Our thoughts about what we see make a difference to what we see.

If we are angry, hurt, in pain, how we view things will be very different from viewing that same thing, scene, than when we are happy, feel joy and wonder.

Our thoughts and feelings create the world we live in, by changing our thoughts and feelings we change our view of the world around us and thus the world we live in.

Please feel free to start a conversation under the YouTube video, I would love to hear your thoughts and perceptions on this.

Light, Love & Peace

Namaste Sweet Souls


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